- Aug 18 2021
Death of Quality and Excellence
Traditional art forms are being destroyed today at an alarming rate, and we say this against the historical backdrop of culture is always changing, and like the Earth, things are created and things are destroyed. That is the natural process of things. The CD destroyed the record and the Mp3 destroyed the CD. In every instance, we lost something but also arguably gained something (but is that the case today, are we gaining something?)
Social media has altered our world. And sometimes that has not always been for the best. In 2005 when we made 500 Years Later things were actually better for us without social media. Now, everyone with 2 cents is in the same space as people with 2 million. So the entry-level for us in film was to own some serious equipment and produce serious quality content. That high bar in itself separated out who is who. If you did not have this equipment the notion of making content did not exist even as a dream. Now today people can
- Jun 20 2021
Quality Matters
Premium-grade final goods are critical to the growth of any industry. Almost every industry is top-down, the most beautiful artwork of any country is expensive. The most beautiful African mask takes time, and as a result costs. You see when the only products Africa produces for local consumption are low-end, it has a kickback to the quality of craftsmanship available in our Motherland.
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