Wholesale At Ocacia
WHOLESALE: African Couture
Wholesale discount
Ocacia is proud to offer wholesale discounts to customers or businesses who want to resell Ocacia clothes. We belive stongly in empowering others so wholesaling Ocacia clothes allows us to extend our market and empower people in the process. Please read the points below and contact us if you are interested in reselling Ocacia clothes. The minium quantity per design is 5 units per size. Not all designs are available for wholesale (especially our Couture range) so check with us first. Minum order quantity is 20 units in total. So if you wanted to order our Dashiki 101 that would count as one design and minimum of 5 shirts per size. Our wholesale prices range from 30% to 40% and do not include shipping and customs fees. Please note the larger the order, usually the lower the shipping cost per item. For private purchases we are able to offer more flexiblity.
Point of Sale
We make high end garments and are conscious about where our clothes are displayed. If garments are being purchased in bulk for personal usage (a group of people get together and place a bulk order to save) then that is 100% okay. But if the clothes are to be resold we need to see the premises or the online store that is doing the reselling to ensure the image of our garments are not tarnished.
In order to be eligible for wholesale discount you must either have purchased Ocacia clothes in the past, or order a sample of what you want to wholesale at standard cost. Once you have received your order we will then discuss discount options. We will not discuss wholesale with people who have no track record of buying our clothes so this initial purchase is critical in establishing an account with us. If you have purchased from us before and require wholesale discount then you can provide your previous order number
What we are about
We recognized three problems with the African fashion industry: Modernity, quality and global availability. Ocacia targets and eliminates these problems and creates a one-of-a-kind product of modern, practical, quality African clothes, which are available "off-the-shelf" yet still tailor made and full customizable to the wearers fine requirments.
- Dedicated to Quality African products
- Creating modern African clothes built on age old traditions
- Creating sustainable markets in Africa by Africans
- Exporting African culture making Africa a partner in globalization—not a victim
We are the only African designers in the world to offer this fusion of customization where the customer creates their own unique garment.
Quality Control
Ocacia has is never content with our quality, we are always pushing the envelope of wearable African heritage in style and physical quality
- Highest quality fabrics, usually Linen
- High quality sewing methods and embroidery
- Premium online support and state-of-the-art website
- Dedicated to a smooth online experience
Our clothes take time. For example the rope (Sheriba) around the embroidery it is 200 meters of rayon thread spun together by hand. That rope takes 35 minutes to carefully trace around the embroidery which itself takes 2 hours to 8 hours depending on complexity by a highly skilled West African artist. On Hugo Boss or Vuitton shirt takes 10 minutes from fabric to packaging and cost six times the price. After the embroider we have the construction which takes 2-4 hours depending on complexity, cuffs are not made by a Pfaff machine, but the traditional chalk and scissors way.
Today the world is becoming very mono-cultural, everyone says the samething, wears the same clothes and has white buds in their ears. Some people who want to stand out from the crowd an make an individual statement which is rooted in African heritage want to wear clothes which are unique, clothes which allow them to say "This was made in Africa." Clothes which speak to a unique fashion statement that no one else is wearing. Clothes made by the traditional tailors, personalized, customized and cut just for you! Tailored clothes customized by you is usually the domain of the extreamly rich.
- 21 Days Tailoring
- Ability to add collars, cuffs, and embroidery styles
- Custom fits, tight fit, baggy, anything you want
- The joy that comes from working with your own tailor
We are not afraid to fuse the beauty of different cultures from around the world into our garments. The sould is African, but Africa influences and has been influenced from 1000's of years.
Our Message
Ocacia wants to send a very strong indisputable statement 1. The modern/functional applications of African cultural aesthetic and 2. The professional cutting edge application of African business models in a technological age. And just as Milan, or France carry prestige, we are putting prestige around the name African. 3. Native Africans (formerly known as Black) people must own and control our culture and profit from it and use those profits to develop self-determine our future and end the scurge of poverty and its diseases. To own our market in a globalized space and sustain ourseleves and our own self-interest.